Well, for this task. We had to create a digital story. We had to choose from 3 options. Me and my partners chose to make a ''How to'' video. In this option, you had to create a video that explains how to do a specific thing like a cat house or paper plane. We decided that We can create a video called ''How to Make a Jumping Origami Frog''. So one of my partners Belinay (you can check her blog here) created the video. As a group, We gathered and created the transcript of steps to create the frog. Afterwards, me and Zelal vocalized the transcripts and recorded our voices. I used my phone to record my voice. After the vocalization part, I thought we need a background music and started to look for it. I found a noncopyrighted music and shared with my partners. They liked it. I edited the video and uploaded in YouTube.

By the way I recommend you to watch it (just click here). I like editing videos and creating new stuff and this task was fun to do. All in all, it was a fun task and I think it would be advantageous for me to use digital storytelling in my future lessons.