Well, we have left a long semester behind. I really enjoyed taking this course, and I think if I had enjoyed taking this course even though I am a repeater, by the way I am repeating because of attendance issues, those who took it for the first time must have had more fun. Prior to taking this course, I realized I knew nothing about using technology in English teaching; I was only thinking about incorporating technology in the form of opening listening tracks from the smart board or using smart boards in my classes. After I took this course, I learned very different ways to integrate technology into teaching English. With the information which I have learned from this course, I hopefully will be able to integrate technology in my future English classes. I will share some of the integration methods I learned this semester. These are some of the integration ways that left an impression on me: creating magazine cover, creating a wiki, and podcast. I will use these integration methods in my future courses. One of my favorite tasks was creating a padlet. We had to do the task with cooperation, and this task helped me get to know my classmates better. My favorite task was creating a magazine cover as I tried to create something that I am interested in. My suggestion to improve to course would be to introduce students to how to use popular social media platforms, such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, and use them innovatively for these to be used effectively in English classes.