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Creating a Wiki!

Yazarın fotoğrafı: Mehmet Ali YıldırımMehmet Ali Yıldırım

Güncelleme tarihi: 29 Kas 2022

So, hello again. This time I am writing about my experience in writing a wiki about a movie I watched. In this task we were supposed to watch a movie and write a review about it. My partner Belinay and I chose the movie called ``Truman Show`` because we think that movie would be good for reviewing as we like the movie and we have watched it recently. The movie subverts your perception of reality. After watching this movie some questions such as is my life real, am i a project, am i being recorded can occur in your mind.

While creating the wiki I enjoyed the process. The perspective of a reviewer of the movie rather than just a watcher is a little different. The process made me want to watch the movie again. My partner and I discussed a lot about the film and about how to put our thoughts to a paper or in a website in this particular task. I think every student should do the film review as it is an excellent practice for collaborative writing and it is good for socializing.

The link of her blog:


Alihan Hatipoğlu
Alihan Hatipoğlu
Nov 28, 2022

we follow with interest abi. Keep posting, job-ı hajr, gute nacht

Alihan Hatipoğlu
Alihan Hatipoğlu
Nov 28, 2022
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